The HYUNDAI N700E Series High Performance Drives offer powerful control solutions with exceptional speed control and torque response which provides superior vector performance.
The N700E’s compact size and sensorless vector control technology provides perfectly optimized performance for industrial and commercial applications.
Certificates of international standards (UL/cUL, CE) for the N700E series make it perfect for global applications. Compatible with the most common loads such as: fans, blowers, compressors, pumps, mixers, agitators, feeders, centrifuges, cranes, hoists, presses, sa14, extruders, and textile spinning machines.
Select the following tabs to view data for the various products.
Click the model number for a model-specific downloadable PDF (when available).
• Sensorless vector control
• 0.01-400hz
• 150% overload for one minute, CT applications
• 120% overload for one minute, VT applications
• 3000 second accel/decel
• DC braking
• Auto-tuning
• BDR brake function
• AVR function
• Sixteen level multi-speed
• Adjustable carrier frequencies
• PID control
• Frequency jump
• Analog gain bias
• Jog run
• Electronic thermal overload
• Auto-torque boost, trip history monitor and software lock
• 50°C ambient
• Speed search function
• Intelligent input function
• RS485 - Modbus communications
Note: N700E-004SF/LF/HF through N700E-220HF includes a built in brake circuit only resistors are required
• (*) Indicates the need for two units of this catalog number, price shown is list for one unit only
• (1) Requires (1) Resistor and (1) BRD-VZ3-370H
• (2) Requires (1) Resistor and (1) BRD-VZ3-550H
• (3) Requires (1) Resistor and (1) BRD-VZ3-750H
• (4) Requires (2) Resistors and (2) BRD-VZ3-550H
• (5) Requires (2) Resistors and (2) BRD-VZ3-750H
• (6) Requires (2) Resistors and (1) FBU100-160-4
• (7) Requires (2) Resistors and (1) FBU100-220-4
• (8) Requires (4) Resistors and (2) FBU100-160-4
• (9) Requires (2) Resistors and (2) FBU100-220-4
Model | HP | Rated Output Current (A) | Dimensions (in.) | Approx. Wt. (lbs) |
N700E-004SF | 0.5 | 3 | 5.04 x 2.67 x 5.04 | 2.6 |
N700E-007SF | 1 | 5 | 5.04 x 2.67 x 5.04 | 2.6 |
N700E-015SF | 2 | 7 | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.60 | 3.3 |
N700E-022SF | 3 | 11 | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.60 | 3.3 |
Model | Constant Torque 150% Overload HP | Constant Torque 150% Overload Rated Output Current | Variable Torque 120% Overload HP | Variable Torque 120% Overload Rated Output Current | Dimensions (in.) | Approx. Wt. (lbs) |
N700E-004LF | 0.5 | 3 | — | — | 5.04 x 2.67 x 5.04 | 2.6 |
N700E-007LF | 1 | 5 | — | — | 5.04 x 2.67 x 5.04 | 2.6 |
N700E-015LF | 2 | 7 | — | — | 5.04 x 2.67 x 5.04 | 2.6 |
N700E-022LF | 3 | 11 | — | — | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.6 | 3.3 |
N700E-037LF | 5 | 17 | — | — | 5.04 x 5.42 x 5.78 | 4.4 |
N700E-055LF | 7.5 | 24 | 10 | 30 | 10.82 x 8.26 x 6.61 | 9.3 |
N700E-075LF | 10 | 32 | 15 | 44 | 10.82 x 8.26 x 6.61 | 9.3 |
N700E-110LF | 15 | 45 | 20 | 50 | 10.82 x 8.26 x 6.61 | 9.3 |
N700E-150LF | 20 | 64 | 25 | 73 | 15.4 x 9.85 x 7.400 | 16 |
N700E-185LF | 25 | 76 | 30 | 85 | 15.4 x 9.85 x 7.400 | 16 |
Model | Constant Torque 150% Overload HP | Constant Torque 150% Overload Rated Output Current | Variable Torque 120% Overload HP | Variable Torque 120% Overload Rated Output Current | Dimensions (in.) | Approx. Wt. (lbs) |
N700E-004HF | 0.5 | 1.8 | — | — | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.6 | 2.6 |
N700E-007HF | 1 | 3.4 | — | — | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.6 | 2.6 |
N700E-015HF | 2 | 4.8 | — | — | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.6 | 3.3 |
N700E-022HF | 3 | 7.2 | — | — | 5.04 x 4.25 x 5.6 | 3.3 |
N700E-037HF | 5 | 9.2 | — | — | 5.04 x 5.42 x 5.78 | 4.4 |
N700E-055HF | 7.5 | 12 | 10 | 15 | 10.82 x 8.26 x 6.61 | 9.3 |
N700E-075HF | 10 | 16 | 15 | 22 | 10.82 x 8.26 x 6.61 | 9.3 |
N700E-110HF | 15 | 23 | 20 | 29 | 10.82 x 8.26 x 6.61 | 9.3 |
N700E-150HF | 20 | 32 | 25 | 37 | 15.4 x 9.85 x 7.4 | 16 |
N700E-185HF | 25 | 38 | 30 | 43 | 15.4 x 9.85 x 7.4 | 16 |
N700E-220HF | 30 | 45 | 40 | 57 | 15.4 x 9.85 x 7.4 | 17 |
N700E-300HF | 40 | 58 | 50 | 70 | 20.86 x 12.28 x 10.63 | 48 |
N700E-370HF | 50 | 75 | 60 | 85 | 20.86 x 12.28 x 10.63 | 48 |
N700E-450HF | 60 | 90 | 75 | 105 | 21.57 x 13.46 x 11.02 | 60 |
N700E-550HF | 75 | 110 | 100 | 135 | 21.57 x 13.46 x 11.02 | 66 |
N700E-750HF | 100 | 149 | 125 | 160 | 27.48 x 15.6 x 11.02 | 110 |
N700E-900HF | 125 | 176 | 150 | 195 | 27.48 x 15.6 x 11.02 | 110 |
N700E-1100HF | 150 | 217 | 200 | 230 | 29.13 x 18.89 x 11.81 | 132 |
N700E-1320HF | 200 | 260 | 250 | 285 | 29.13 x 18.89 x 11.81 | 132 |
N700E-1600HF | 250 | 300 | 300 | 370 | 36.22 x 19.92 x 15.35 | 242 |
N700E-2200HF | 300 | 415 | 350 | 450 | 36.22 x 19.92 x 15.35 | 242 |
N700E-2800HF | 400 | 525 | 450 | 600 | 40.15 x 31.73 x 15.55 | 375 |
N700E-3500HF | 450 | 656 | 500 | 680 | 40.15 x 31.73 x 15.55 | 375 |
Model | Description |
N700E-ROPA | Remote Keypad Kit For Inverter Models N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-037SF/LF/HF (Includes Keypad Holder and RS485 Adapter) |
NOP1-1A | Cable, 1.5 Meter For Inverter Models N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-037SF/LF/HF / N700E-055LF/HF Through N700E-3500HF |
NOP1-3A | Cable, 3 Meter For Inverter Models N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-037SF/LF/HF / N700E-055LF/HF Through N700E-3500HF |
ROP7 | Remote Keypad Kit For Inverter Models N700E-055LF/HF Through N700E-3500HF |
COMM485 | RS485 Serial Connection Adapter For Inverter Models N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-037SF/LF/HF |
RS485GENDER | RS485 Serial Connection Adapter For Inverter Models N700E-055LF/HF Through N700E-220HF |
CBOX-5.5-11 | Metallic Conduit Connection Box - NEMA 1 Enclosure (Attaches To The Bottom Of The Chassis To Allow Connection Of Metallic Conduit) For Inverter Models N700E-055LF/HF / N700E-075HF / N700E-110HF |
CBOX-15-22 | Metallic Conduit Connection Box - NEMA 1 Enclosure (Attaches To The Bottom Of The Chassis To Allow Connection Of Metallic Conduit) For Inverter Models N700E-150HF / N700E-185HF / N700E-220HF |
CBOX-30-37 | Metallic Conduit Connection Box - NEMA 1 Enclosure (Attaches To The Bottom Of The Chassis To Allow Connection Of Metallic Conduit) For Inverter Models N700E-300HF / N700E-370HF |
CBOX-45-55 | Metallic Conduit Connection Box - NEMA 1 Enclosure (Attaches To The Bottom Of The Chassis To Allow Connection Of Metallic Conduit) For Inverter Models N700E-450HF / N700E-550HF |
CBOX-75-90 | Metallic Conduit Connection Box - NEMA 1 Enclosure (Attaches To The Bottom Of The Chassis To Allow Connection Of Metallic Conduit) For Inverter Models N700E-750HF / N700E-900HF |
CBOX-110-132 | Metallic Conduit Connection Box - NEMA 1 Enclosure (Attaches To The Bottom Of The Chassis To Allow Connection Of Metallic Conduit) For Inverter Models N700E-1100HF / N700E-1320HF |
BRD-VZ3-370H | Dynamic Braking Module (N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-220HF Includes A Built-In Brake Circuit) For Inverter Models N700E-300HF / N700E-370HF |
BRD-VZ3-550H | Dynamic Braking Module (N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-220HF Includes A Built-In Brake Circuit) For Inverter Models N700E-450HF / N700E-550HF / N700E-900HF (*) |
BRD-VZ3-750H | Dynamic Braking Module (N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-220HF Includes A Built-In Brake Circuit) For Inverter Model N700E-750HF / N700E-1100HF (*) / N700E-1320HF (*) |
FBU100-160-4 | Dynamic Braking Module (N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-220HF Includes A Built-In Brake Circuit) For Inverter Model N700E-1600HF / N700E-2800HF (*) |
FBU100-220-4 | Dynamic Braking Module (N700E-004SF/LF/HF Through N700E-220HF Includes A Built-In Brake Circuit) For Inverter Model N700E-2200HF / N700E-3500HF (*) |
RB-00P3-50 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty or Heavy Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Single-Phase VFD Models N700E-004SF, N700E-007SF, N700E-015SF, N700E-022SF Light Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-004LF, N700E-007LF, N700E-015LF, N700E-022LF Heavy Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-004LF, N700E-007LF, N700E-015LF |
RB-00P6-35 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-037LF Heavy Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-022LF |
RB-01P2-35 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-037LF |
RB-01P0-LD-17 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-055LF |
RB-01P0-HD-17 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 230 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-055LF |
RB-00P3-180 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-004HF, N700E-007HF, N700E-015HF Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-004HF, N700E-007HF, N700E-015HF |
RB-00P3-100 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-022HF |
RB-00P6-100 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-037HF |
RB-01P2-LD-70 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-055HF |
RB-01P8-HD-70 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-055HF |
RB-01P2-LD-50 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-075HF |
RB-02P4-HD-50 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-075HF |
RB-02P0-LD-50 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-110HF |
RB-03P3-HD-50 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-110HF |
RB-02P5-LD-30 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-150HF |
RB-04P5-HD-30 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-150HF |
RB-03P0-LD-20 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-185HF |
RB-05P6-HD-20 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-185HF |
RB-04P0-LD-20 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-220HF |
RB-06P6-HD-20 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-220HF |
RB-05P0-LD-12 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-300HF(1) |
RB-09P0-HD-12 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-300HF(1) |
RB-06P0-LD-12 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-370HF(1) |
RB-11P2-HD-12 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-370HF(1) |
RB-07P0-LD-8 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-450HF(2) |
RB-13P5-HD-8 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-450HF(2) |
RB-08P5-LD-8 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-550HF(2) |
RB-16P5-HD-6 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-550HF(2) |
RB-11P2-LD-6 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-750HF(3), N700E-900HF(4), N700E-1100HF(5), N700E-1320HF(5) |
RB-22P5-HD-6 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-750HF(3), N700E-900HF(4), N700E-1100HF(5), N700E-1320HF(5) |
RB-22P5-3 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-1600HF(6), N700E-2200HF(7), N700E-2800HF(8) |
RB-45P0-3 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Models N700E-1600HF(6), N700E-2200HF(7), N700E-2800HF(8) |
RB-33P7-2 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Light Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-3500HF(9) |
RB-67P5-2 | Dynamic Braking Resistor - Heavy Duty Cycle 460 Volt, Three Phase VFD Model N700E-3500HF(9) |
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